Connexus Energy actively supports economic development and believes in doing our part to encourage investment, job creation and sustainable development throughout or service territory. Connexus wants to support our service communities grow and prosper by providing reliable electric service for not only residents, but for the businesses and industries to continue to thrive. As a cooperative, Connexus works closely with communities and counties across our service area to recruit and retain businesses through comprehensive member services and relationship development.
As Minnesota’s largest consumer-owned electric cooperative, Connexus Energy delivers safe, reliable and affordable electricity that provides sizeable economic benefits to its communities and beyond.
The findings from a study conducted by Strategen Consulting show that Connexus’ 2024-2033 Resource Plan can spur local and broad economic development, create jobs for local residents, and contribute to environmental benefits and resource sustainability.
These four words focus on the most important component of our cooperative: our members. In a cooperative, everything we do is for the benefit of our membership. This vision provides daily inspiration to build powerful partnerships with our members.
Get in touch with Connexus Energy. Call, email, stop in, or fill a form with your questions and feedback.