
Net Metering

When a qualified member-owned solar system is installed, the power produced by it will offset power they would otherwise purchase from Connexus Energy. If the system produces more than the member consumes from the grid, Connexus will provide credit. This process is often referred to as Net Metering.

Net Energy Metering Illustration

Net Metering rate options

Available for qualified member-owned solar systems with less than 40kWac nameplate capacity.

A. Average retail cooperative energy rate

  • Purchase rate: $0.121/kWh
  • Distributed Generation Grid Access charge determined by the system size (kW AC)

B. Simultaneous purchase and sale

  • Purchase rate: $0.03955 - $0.04212/kWh

C. Roll-over credits

  • Excess kWh credits remaining at the end of the year are canceled with no additional compensation
  • Banking kWh Production

D. Time-of-Day Purchase Service

  • Purchase rate: $0.03085 - $0.04945/kWh

Calculate your energy usage

Use our MyMeter tool to determine how many kilowatt-hours you consume. Sign into your Connexus Energy account, click on the Data Tab, then you can view your usage:

Calculate your energy usage data

Calculate your energy usage

Ready to apply?

If you hire a contractor for your project, they will work directly with us through the interconnection application and design approval process. Otherwise, if you design and install your own system, please use review our technical requirements for Distributed Energy Resource (DER) interconnection outlining the specifications Connexus has adopted from the State of Minnesota. This information can be found at our Interconnection Process webpage.

Moving into existing solar system

Connexus requires a DER interconnection agreement to be completed with the new utility account holder for the service address with solar. Reach out to us at the contact information below so we can help you with this transition.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763.691.8981

Frequently asked questions

How is the system size determined?

Total system size is based on the total aggregate nameplate capacity ratings of all elements of the DER system that will be generating or discharging power. For renewable energy sources such as solar generation, this would be the AC power rating of the inverter or sum of ratings of multiple inverters. See page 19 "Nameplate Rating" in Overview Process for detail.

Do panels work with snow on them?

Anything that impedes sunlight reaching the elements internal to solar panels will hinder generation. A cloudy sky, fog, and rain will significantly reduce solar generation, but may not totally prevent it. Snow or ice directly on the panels will significantly reduce solar generation, and if completely snow or ice covered, likely completely impede generation.

How much does solar cost?

Connexus will not publish cost of solar because we do not sell or market solar generation and pricing can vary between suppliers. You may call one of our Member Service Specialists to discuss what we see as trends, however contact a solar energy supplier for actual pricing.

Will you buy back my excess electricity?

Connexus will buy back excess energy generated by renewable energy systems that is not consumed for systems less than 40 kW in size. See Connexus Energy rates for available rates. This does not include energy storage that is discharged by an energy storage system.

Do I need to have it inspected?

Your DER system must be inspected and approved by a Minnesota licensed electrical inspector and final on-site inspection by Connexus Energy, prior to being provided approval to operate. This applies for all systems interconnected to the distribution system, either behind the service meter or grid connected, and whether completed by a home or business owner or a hired contractor.

Am I limited in system size by how much electricity I use?

Not if the system is net metering sized less than 40 kW. The system size must be less than 40 kW nameplate, and must produce less than 40 kW of AC power.

What are the federal tax credits?

In December 2020, Congress passed an extension of the ITC, which provides a 26% tax credit for systems installed in 2020-2022, and 22% for systems installed in 2023. (Systems installed before December 31, 2019 were eligible for a 30% tax credit.) The tax credit expires starting in 2024 unless Congress renews it.

Will I still have an electrical bill?

The power produced by a member-owned solar system will offset power they would otherwise purchase from Connexus. If the system produces more power than the member consumes, Connexus will provide net energy credit for excess kilowatt-hour (kWh) generation. Depending on the Net Metering rate schedule elected by the member in the DER Interconnection Agreement, Connexus will either purchase the excess kWh generation or add roll-over kWh credits to the account.

Members with solar systems still have charges on their bill that offset the net energy credit, such as the cost of basic service, energy usage, net metering grid access charge, and taxes.


It is the responsibility of the member and contractor to determine the optimal solar system nameplate capacity to fit the member’s needs.

Can I install it myself?

Yes. Connexus does not require the applicant to contract with a supplier to install the system. However, the applicant is still required to follow the interconnection process starting with the application and approval, and must have the completed system pass inspection by a State of Minnesota qualified electrical inspector, and final inspection and witness test by Connexus.

Why is there a grid access fee?

The grid access fee is a means of all members pay equal share of use of the grid and avoid cross subsidization of fixed costs.

How do you read what excess electricity my system produces?

Connexus will install a bi-directional meter that will measure and record the energy you consume and the excess you export to the grid, on two separate registers. Once a month we will read these registers remotely, and use those readings to calculate your bill.

Do I need a production meter?

Connexus does not require a production meter. A production meter may certainly be installed, however since it is not required by Connexus, it must be provided by the applicant or applicant’s contractor.

Can my contractor or electrician cut the meter seal and remove the Connexus Energy meter if needed to complete wiring and installation of my solar or storage system?

If the existing meter seal must be cut to access service wiring or remove the meter as part of the installation, the electrician or project manager must call Connexus at 763.323.2650 prior to cutting the seal to avoid being assessed a fee.

I am installing a generator at my home to serve as an emergency power source. Do I need to go through the interconnection process?

No. However, there are still technical requirements that must be applied and adhered to for interconnecting an emergency generator to building wiring. Please see the following for requirements: Emergency Generator - Open Transition Switch Requirements

Do you have information/websites to learn about solar?

Should broken or old solar panels be thrown away or recycled?

Most homeowners have a warranty or contract for their solar panels. If the panels fall under the warranty (usually 25 years), then it’s the responsibility of the installer or the manufacturer to recycle the solar panels properly. Check your warranty or contract for responsibility, if applicable.

Why don't you offer rebates for on-site solar?

We support members who make the choice to install self-generating solar systems by offering incentives for the application fee (paid during the application process and refunded after the system is commissioned).

Which residential programs are not eligible with Net Metering?

Peak-Time Rebate, Whole House Time-of-Day, or Budget Billing programs are not eligible with Net Metering. If a member is currently enrolled, those programs will be removed when the DER interconnection is commissioned, upon activation of the new Net Metering rate.

Looking for more information?

If you have any specific questions, please contact: [email protected]
Phone: 763.691.8981

More information about Net Metering can be found at the MN PUC website.

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended as informational only for member-owned solar. Connexus Energy does not have responsibility or liability for member-owned solar generation systems. Connexus Energy does not have any directly affiliations with solar developers or installers.

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These four words focus on the most important component of our cooperative: our members. In a cooperative, everything we do is for the benefit of our membership. This vision provides daily inspiration to build powerful partnerships with our members.


Contact Connexus Energy

Get in touch with Connexus Energy. Call, email, stop in, or fill a form with your questions and feedback.